Australian Rat Fanciers Society
(AusRFS Victoria)
An organisation dedicated to the
welfare and promotion of pet rats.
Founded in 1996 ... for the love of rats!
Health Issues
Rats have very specific health issues and often need to be treated a little differently to other pets.
Our rats can’t tell us where it hurts or what they are feeling.
It is important that owners watch out for signs of illness.
Any changes in behaviour or appearance, even if they don’t seem health related, can be a sign that something is wrong.
Not many vets know a lot about treating rats so its very important to take your rat to a vet who is experienced in treating rats. Please refer to the Vet List page.
Rats can suffer from abscess, tumours (most commonly mammory tumours undesexed females), pituitary tumours, heart issues, strokes and inner ear infections.
But Respiratory Infections are by far the most common health problem in rats
Respiratory problems are the bane of rat owners. Good husbandry and careful selective breeding are only partially successful in limiting the problem.
Owners should monitor their rats breathing, noises and general health carefully.
Seeking experienced veterinary advice and starting the rat on appropriate medication early will provide the best chance of a good outcome.
Please see Vet List page & Nebuliser Hire Service page. For full information about using a nebuliser to treat for respiratory issues, please download our advice document using the link below.
Desexing Advice - including post op care
Please click below to read or download the AusRFS document
which includes information about desexing rats, the reasons and
benefits and pre and post op care.
Note: Most of the post op care advice in this document is
relevant to all rat surgery.
Updated version 24.7.2023